
Andrea Faggian

A strong background in the medical field, with the achievement of various specializations, has marked the first 20 years of Andrea Faggian’s working life. At the same time he explored many areas of the planet traveling with off-road vehicles, motorcycles, cars and trucks which he personally prepared for raids.

In the late ’90s, he began studying landscape photography, attending many workshops of the most famous nature photographers in the world, with whom he shared the field life.

“Then I realized that I was not only attracted by the great landscapes, but especially by the small details that make up the landscape, so I switched from seeing to observing, learning how to extrapolate from environment a reality that most people could not grasp.
Often happens that while I’m shooting people approach me intrigued by the fact that they do not understand what is so important in a dried puddle, rather than in an expanse of pebbles. It’s amazing to see the wonder in their eyes as soon as you make them look through the lens.”

I hope my photographs help people to become fully aware that the extraordinary Earth in which we live is extremely fragile and it must be constantly protected.

I believe that all those who have already figured this out, should make efforts to allow future generations to enjoy the wonders that the Earth has reserved for us.